Thursday, April 10, 2008

Patience is a virtue

Adam and I had this conversation a few weeks ago about whether patience is something that can be built or if it's something you need to be born with; if you are impatient about something, but you are suppressing your impatience, would that be called patience? It shouldn't be right? So then if you can never get rid of impatience, but you've worked really hard at suppressing your impatience, then do you become patient? Or maybe you can't ever be patient unless you are born patient?

To me, efficiency is way more important than detail; it's my strength but also my tragic flaw. I have always been docked on stupid little mistakes since I was young. I may write a math test that would have gotten 100% but because i accidentally added 2+3 instead of multiply, i'll get 98%. I almost never get 100% on anything. Even with checking for grammar errors on my papers, i just dont have the patience for it. Double-checking my work has always been my downfall. Even now at work, I am always getting flak for my grammatical errors on my technical writing work. It's pretty bad.

So my resolution is working on my patience. I really need to just slow down and breathe and be more careful with anything and everything. Unfortunately, that's really the only thing I can think of to build my patience. I even googled "building patience" and i just got a bunch of blog sites that tells you about the need to build patience. But I know that even if it is impossible to build patience, I should still learn to suppress my impatience.

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Adam said...

I believe with all my heart that you can do it... from how long I've known you, I can already tell you're a lot more patient.

It comes with time