Wednesday, November 23, 2011


The office cafeteria in Suresnes, France has two coffee vending machines. If you want a coffee, it will cost you 25 centime. Therefore to have coffee, you will need change. When someone wants to break for coffee, they go around asking "cafe?"

Me: "Cafe?"
Coworker: "Do you have money?"
Me: "I have 10 cents!" picking up this yellow coin I have on my desk.
Him: "That's not 10 cents, that's 20."
Me: "It is! It says 10 cents on it!"

At this point, we were both confused...

Apparently when I went to the Carrefour (supermarket) this morning, I got a 10 cent Ethiopian coin disguised as a 20 cent Euro coin. 

Of course, after being here for a total of 5 weeks this year, I still had no idea what Euro coins look like...

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