Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I don't know how

I didn't pee on my bed last night....hahahahaha

Story: I woke up in the middle of the night I had to go pee but I was too tired to climb down my loft bed so I held it and fell back asleep. Throughout the night I kept dreaming about the fact that I can't stop having to go pee even after I just went to the washroom.....I woke up in the morning and realized it's because I really had to go.

I just wanted to share this disgusting story. =D


Anonymous said...

Alright... guess I'll have to share. Almost every night (or every two three nights) I'd wake up in the middle of the night from my dream thinking that I had just peed on my bed. Yes...... (but obviously I didn't) I have to go pee once in the middle of the night everyday, I must have a bladder problem. But anyway, everytime I have that dream and I wake up I always check the bed cuz it seems so real, hahaha

MC said...

Wait, so what? You wet the bed? = D

Lynn said...

Jenny: how do you sleep at night?? i think i would not have sound sleep! i know someone who has to go to the bathroom all the time (*ahem* you know who you are!! and so does matt =P), it totally sucks! i have a bad habit of holding it in until im in a place where i feel it's clean (usually until i get home). No good comes out of that, let me just say.

MC: stfu! =P