Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I've figured it out

I just need to find my voice again. I don't have one anymore.

1 comment:

julian said...

lynnsanity! just read this from 'hitchhiking with larry david'. looks like someone agrees with you here.

"Okay, here's an easy one: What s the key to being happy?"

"That's an easy one?"

"Since this is your home court," I say, sweeping my hand across the scene, "give it a shot."

Birdman ponders this for a moment. "You have to find your one true, authentic voice. Then live from that place."

"Like when Joseph Campbell said, 'Follow your bliss'?"

Birdman nods. "Yes. So ask yourself: What is my authentic voice? Find it, and begin there. Then, once you get ahold of it, never, ever let it go."


good luck searching for that voice lynnie