Monday, August 22, 2016

Week 11: Preparing for my first ultrasound

So after 11 weeks of hell, I'm about to get my first ultrasound tomorrow. I was good yesterday and then at around midnight i started to feel funny, and was up until 3pm when i finally puked and then was able to fall asleep.

I woke up this morning anxious. Is my appointment today or tomorrow? Crap - i haven't learned about what i'm supposed to expect yet and i need all the stuff listed and translated in french in case they miss something or i dont understand something. Why didn't i do this yesterday instead of laying waste on a couch watching 2 hours of Friends on Netflix when I own the entire DVD set and had even watched all of it with commentary?

Anyway, so here I am, getting prepped. I've been a bit nervous about not having done an ultrasound or even going to the doctors to get more info since I had gone the one time to get a prescription for a blood test. I havent taken my prenatals cuz i can't stomach it, and ive been looking online and chatting with friends, family, or friends of friends on what to do about my stomach - it feels a bit irresponsible but it feels like even if i went the french way does not care.

This was confirmed as soon as I googled "First ultrasound France" and this was the first link
Apparently even if you went out of your way to go, it's kinda pointless. Their attitude is so laissez-faire.

Here are the things i will need to ask or make sure i do tomorrow:

1. Make sure to get the "Declaration de grosesse" forms for declaration:

  • The document is called "Premier examen medical prenatal"
  • Pink slip + lab result go to Caisse d'assurance maladie
  • 2 blue forms go to Caisse d'Allocation Familiales (CAF)
  • Do it within 14 weeks to be reimbursed 100%

2. Determine actual due date of pregnancy (la date prévue d’accouchement)

  • Last period (dernières règles) was 28th Mai commence

3. Provide all my symptoms (symptômes de grossesse)

  • a lot of dry-heaving - at least 5 times a day (avoir des haut-le-cœur au moins 5 fois par jour)
  • actual throw up 2-3 times week since july (vomir 2-3 fois par semaine depuis juillet)
  • stomach hurts and burns all the time - symptoms of indigestions and a lot of gas (avoir mal d'estomac, L'ingestion cause des brûlures dans estomac, se sentir ballonnés et avoir davantage de gaz tout le temps, jamais arret)
  • Diarrhea happens but not too often (parfois avoir des coliques/diarrhee)

4. Ask about

  • Down's Syndrome test (si le bébé a la trisomie 21), 
  • abnormalities (s’il existe des anomalies), 
  • risks (les risques maternels et fœtaux)
5. Ask about next about appointment/ consultation (consultation prochaine, les autres examens)

  • seeing a gynecologist (gynécologue) or a midwife (sage-femme) or obstetrician (gynécologues-obsétriciens)
  • Low taxoplasmosis antibody - igg and igm (anticorps contre la toxoplasmose)
  • Presence of infection from my first blood test
  • Ask about Father's blood type being different (groupe sanguin de Caleb)

6. Ask about prenatal vitamins (vitamines prénatales)

  • thinking about them makes me gag (j'ai essaye de prendres prenatales et acide folique mais j'ai des haut-le-coeur alors j'ai arrete - je veux le faire quand j'en pense)

7. Provide my medical history: asthma, severe allegy, eczema (atopy triad), a lot of stomachache/indigestion (no known cause)
  • triade atopique: 
    • urticaire (grave, quand j'ai chaud and quand je sors de maison, cetirizine)
    • asthme (pas souvent, flovent & ventiline)
    • eczema (plus depuis grosesse, betaderm)
  • ingestion, haut le coeur souvent mais pas de diagnostique)

8.  Preparation for birth? (Préparation à l’accouchement)

9.  Drink lots of water as fluid is needed for ultrasound

10. Bring my test results!

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