第一型 | 完美主義者、完美型、改革者、改進型、秩序大使 17% |
第五型 | 智慧型、觀察者、思想型、理性分析者、思考型 14% |
第九型 | 和平型、和平者、和諧型、維持和諧者 13% |
第二型 | 助人者、全愛型、助人型、成就他人者、博愛型 11% |
第六型 | 忠誠型、忠誠型、尋找安全者、謹慎型 10% |
第八型 | 領袖型、能力型、挑戰者、保護者、權威型 10% |
第四型 | 藝術型、浪漫者、自我型、憑感覺者 10% |
第三型 | 成就者、事業型、成就型、實踐型 9% |
第七型 | 快樂主義型、豐富型、活躍型、創造可能者、享樂型 8% |
主要特徵:- 內心的正確標準變成嚴格的自我要求,不斷產生自責的思想。。
- 只接受和做正确的事情。
- 在自身的高層道德和倫理觀念上擁有堅定的信念。要求自己做芸芸眾生中少數的能做正確事情的人。
- 對於那些不符合正確標準的需要置之不理。
- 在思想上把自己同他人比較:「我比他們強還是差?」同時很在意他人的批評
- 做決定時猶豫不決,害怕做出錯誤的決定。
- 在家裡,會事事操心;出到外面,會盡情玩樂。
- 有時會變成事後諸葛,在事情發生後,意識到潛在的完美可能,「想想看原本應該是多麼完美。」而感到失落。
主要特徵:- 保持不被涉及的狀態;感到威脅時,第一道防線是撤退或者繫緊安全帶。
- 害怕用心去感覺。
- 過度強調自我控制。把注意力從感覺上挪開。「戲劇是給那些普通人看的。」
- 情感延遲。在他人面前控制感覺,等到自己一個人的時候,才表露情感。
- 把生活劃分成不同的區域。把不同的事情放在不同的盒子裡,給每個盒子一個時間限制。
- 希望能夠預測到將要發生的事情。
- 對那些解釋人類行為的特殊知識和分析系統感興趣。希望找到一張解釋情感的地圖。
- 分不清精神上的不依賴和拒絕痛苦的感情封閉,是沒有悟道的佛。
- 喜歡從一個旁觀者的角度來關注自己和自己的生活,讓自己的觀點不受情感偏見的影響。
Type I - 17% - Perfectionist, always seeking improvement, always trying to maintain order.
Type V - 14% - Intellectual, observant, thinker, analytical, logical.
Type IX - 13% - Peacekeeper, likes to keep peace between people, easygoing, flexible
You are a typical perfectionist. You seek perfection in everything, you rarely say anything that is a compliment, and you often make criticisms on yourself and others around you. Because you have high expectations for yourself, you give yourself a lot of pressure and you rarely fully allow yourself to relax and have fun and laugh.
Main characteristics:
- What you believe to be a proper standard becomes a high expectation on yourself; thus you constantly reprimand yourself for not being good enough.
- You only accept and do what is right.
- You have confidence in your personal morals and principles and you make yourself do the right thing, even if they are things most people are incapable of doing.
- You tend to ignore needs that do not meet the proper morals and standards.
- You are always comparing yourself to others: "am I better or worse than they are?" and really cares about people's criticisms.
- Indecisive, scared of making the wrong choice.
- At home, you are always worried about everything, but when you are out, you will make a point to enjoy yourself.
You are a very calm person, always trying to keep yourself at a distance from other people and things around you, and you never let yourself lose control of your emotions. Many times, you will observe first before you get involved in something. Further, you also need sufficient personal time, and high privacy or you would feel anxious. You have a chance to become a specialist, such as computers, comics, fashion, because you love knowledge.
Main Characteristics:
- Maintain a state of uninvolvement; when feeling threatened, the first move is to retreat or to put on your seat belt.
- Afraid to feel using your heart.
- Overly self-controlling and likes to take the focus away from your emotions. "Dramas are for normal people".
- Delayed feelings. Like to control your emotions when in front of people. Only reveal your feelings when you are alone.
- Divide your life into different sections and places different things in different sections, giving each section a limited about of time.
- Always hoping to predict what's going to happen.
- Interested in knowledge and analysis on human behaviour in hopes of finding some map to explain feelings.
- Can't tell the difference between being emotionally independent and completely shutting your emotions away. A buddha that has not achieved enlightenment.
- Enjoys to understand your life and yourself from an objective, participant point of view in order not to let your opinions be influenced by your emotions.
holy shiit.. 180 questions!!
you got lots of time on your hands huh?....
Thanks for the translation.
S: i know!! i totally should have been sleeping when i was doing the survey (although i read it pretty fast). what was worse was that i spent time formatting the post and then translating it. probably took an hour when i could have been doing something more productive :S
T: haha, there are some parts where it sounds funny, it was late and i translated really fast, too bad you can't take the survey, it was kinda fun. but you know these things, it's really just self-fulfilling, any of these criteria sounds like everyone.
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