Saturday, June 14, 2008

The world would be a better place with Lynnism

lynnie says (1:25 AM):
Matt*e says (1:25 AM):
lol wow... how self absorbed ARE you exactly?
lynnie says (1:26 AM):
lol...Lynnocentrism: the superiority of Lynn over other people, or the evaluation of others using Lynn’s values. Affliated terms: Lynnocentric
Matt*e says (1:27 AM):
I request an additional "Q", "why would anyone want to join?" I would very much like to see how you would answer that
lynnie says (1:27 AM):
Q: why would anyone want to join
A: why WOULDN"T anyone want to join
Matt*e says (1:27 AM):
Lynnsessed: an obsession with all things Lynn
Lynncense: The incense u burn in ur shrine to Lynn
lynnie says (1:28 AM):
ooh, i like that
Matt*e says (1:29 AM):
lynnphobia: fear of Lynn and her followers
lynnie says (1:29 AM):
i had some funny conversations with lynn terms before too, someone was giving me a bad lynnterm and i had to reject...we tend to veer away from the negative. we like to stick to the positive!
Matt*e says (1:29 AM):
(Lynnter: the season of Lynn)
Lynner: dinner with Lynn
Lynnck: the inescapable link to Lynn, I'm just one Lynnck in a chain
Lynnectomy: the operation required to seperate Lynn from oneself
lynnie says (1:33 AM):
that's not allowed
Matt*e says (1:34 AM):
but then afterward u feel Lynndrawal...wait, change "lyndrawal" to "withdrawalynn". that sounds better
lynnie says (1:31 AM):
LOL, you are so awesome, have i ever told you that
Matt*e says (1:31 AM):
lol, if only everyone realized that then the world would be a better place.

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